There are so many other probelms people face in daily life like not having the right information. Similar to this website we can share information about useful things and help others
Social media is a good place to engage students for constructive learning activities. We can use social media for education purpose instead of spreading hate.
This needs the whole society to encourage civilized language, and if necessary, some legal means can be adopted to punish the abuse of Internet words
Promote Mental Health Awareness.
Social media also provides educational resources. So I can learn in free time
Use social media for positive activities, informations and knowledge.
There are so many other probelms people face in daily life like not having the right information. Similar to this website we can share information about useful things and help others
Social media is a good place to engage students for constructive learning activities. We can use social media for education purpose instead of spreading hate.
We can educate people about good things around us and not simply fight and argue.